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Omeka Epenesa Aumau Olo
生于 American Samoa
70 years
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Aumau A. Jr. Olo. I miss you Mom(Omeka E. A. Olo). November 17, 2014
Mom I missed you so much I missed the fellowship we have I missed knowing that I don't see you reading your Bible or on your bended knees pray constantly and continuously I hear your voice crying up to God to bless your children and your grandchildren's you also pray and you're crying to bless the church all those little things I missed I also missed your words of encouragement and comforting showing the glow of love from your face and see tears of true motherly love towards God and towards your families your children there's not a moment gone by that you don't show us your true love and your protection that surrounds us you left us too soon but you leave us a teaching that we never forget is love, kindness, humbleness, respect, and helping each other out in times of need, your teachings of us in the Word of God your ways of fellowship and discipline and teaching is unreplaceable you teach us to put God first,  then family I also miss taking you out for a ride so late at night in the cold when it reach 20 - or 40 - we drive around for an hour or two but we ended up at Taco Bell ordering you some nacho cheese I miss you helping me through my struggles talking encouraging and motivating me to go on to not give up on myself you taught me a lot to be patient and to trust in God I also miss you quoting bible scriptures and breaking it down to explain to me and help me to go on you was there and you also encourages me to live life to the fullest in regards to my medical issues or situations you taught me to believe in God you taught me to be the person I am thank you mom there are more things I miss about you and the relationship in a short time establishing and I just want to say with this,  MOM I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU!!!
Lefa Thinking of You Today.. November 3, 2014
Hi Mom,
Cry After I said a prayer this morning over my husband Namu, my kids, Mau & Aj, and Lina & family.. I just couldn't stop my tears as I pretended to talk to you on my way to work. I wanted to say "thank you" for letting us know that your spirit is still with us assuring us that everything is ok. Skinny woke-up from his nap after church yesterday, and the first thing he asked me was, "Mom, is grandma alive?" with an excitement in his voice. I told him,"No baby, did you dream of Grandma?" and he answered w/a confused look saying "yea, Grandma was hugging me and said, 'I Love You Durrell'.".. Cry Thank You Mom for watching over our little ones, I know how much they mean the world to you.. We miss you sooo incrediblly... Just wish you could stay longer.. I love you Mom! Cry
Lefa Our Routine October 23, 2014
Guess Who was on my mind all day today?...

YOU MOM!.. *tears, tears* Everyday I go to work (at the hospital) I always pass by that certain area where it always takes me back to when I would always bring you there for your normal check ups and doctor appointments. One incident I smiled about was when you would joke with me about your doctor. You would always say something to your doctor in samoan but he would always have that clueless look on his face when you talk to him in I miss your sense of humor so much.. like I always say to Mau (my brother) "Ese ma le fa'alogaka ma lau fa'afiuiga o si foma'i" *smh*.. Not a day goes by I don't think of all the things we do together.. Love and miss you sooo much mom! Cry Innocent Kiss
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